Thursday, March 26, 2009

g.u.t. in 'gorgeous, useless things'. like they have in ikea.

such lovely, lovely elephants!! me had to have myself these colours and lines. but wait...

...a serving tray..?!? who needs that? why didn't they make fabric out of the design?
i had a very weak moment, and yes, i'm guilt ridden, but not buying it was not an option. so now i sit myself here with a stupid tray. but oh, it's lovely...
and what do you know!

matching napkins! we never use napkins. but at least, these i can cut...


Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, I don't think I'd be able to pass those up as well. They are absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

sometimes you just gotta follow your G.U.T. :)

Anne said...

Its a lovely design.
It would looked beautiful on fabric!


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