Monday, August 18, 2008

still according to plan

linen pants and dress, blouse made from old bed linens.
even though i love sewing, i've learnt most of it by doing and still am. i seldom make something without mistakes. like the dress: hurry hurry, new pattern, hm...seems so small... ah, the pattern says 'elastic fabric'. yup. let's put some extra ('wedge' shaped..?) fabric in there...
the blouse i made without a pattern, just by trying to copy one of my daughter's blouses. i didn't get it quite right, so i've bought a proper pattern. working on it. taking it real slow :)


  1. Love the color combinations. I'm impressed anytime anyone can make clothes! I am too scared to try it!

  2. cute!... I have lots of vintage bed linens lying around... maybe someday...
