Monday, June 8, 2009

it's a good day to die

can't help wondering what went on in the mind of this one during it's last minutes in life...
'hm, let's see, where to die, where to die... oh, there's a great spot! my striking yellow stripes and my black modesty blaise'y body will look just splendid right there...'
well, i couldn't agree more.

30 minutes later; found by my daughter, partly dissected, drawn and cut.


  1. Awesome series of photos! Please forgive me if I comment less frequently this month. Hope to be settled back in again by July.

  2. Well, it found a purpose in ... death! Love your daughter's art.

  3. Jeg skulle ønske å studere en slik nærmere, men synes det er skummelt selv om den er død...
    Elsker alikevel din datters tilnærming!

  4. Oh my word! I died laughing reading this!

  5. its beautyfull! youre daughters work!
    and your writing very funny!

  6. Looks like you have a little entomologist on your hands! She did a great job.

    Lisa ;)
