Wednesday, June 24, 2009


no corner view this week! although i LOVED the challenge of photographing music (but had absolutely no idea how to do it - i'm looking forward to see how everybody else did it!). but this week has been filled to the brim with celebrations, spending time with family and good friends, and eating delicious food.
mu little big girl went through the kindergarten gate for the last time. ceremonially, this time. they were handed over the walking stick they had been carving, the feltet bag they had been making, and a carving knife. in august, she will be a second grader, and have proper classes in the school building. chairs, desks, blackboard, teacher. she's sooo eager.
and i? i see another chapter closing. ambivalent, no doubt, but mostly eager, like her. curious; what kind of student will she be? will it be a good group of children? how will her books look like? what subject will be her favourite?
so - bye bye to the rose garden kindergarten. hello school, where big brother goes.
and that's another transition. he's becoming an eighth grader, which means transition to secondary school/junior high school.
oh my.
the questions i have for that transition are a whole other story; will he start smoking? will he continue doing sports? will he choose a christian confirmation or a humanist one? how much will it cost (big question!)? will he have girlfriends, boyfriends or both? will he engage in politics or car theft? who will he become during those three years?
it's dead exciting and a lot of fun to watch your kids grow, become, finding their shape and form and - hopefully - their place in this world.
but is sure is scary as well.

thank you for your comments about my soap making! i will give it another go very soon, and hopefully be able to show some nice soap pics :)


  1. beautyful lovely pictures!
    i can see some music trough it....;)

  2. So beautiful!
    and so true!
    what a gift and what a challenge.


  3. Yes, the music theme made me pause and think for awhile too on how to photograph it. Anyway your pictures here are so lovely and make my heart sing, so there's some music. :-) I'm glad I stopped by to visit.

  4. Det er simpelthen helt vildt og ufatteligt at han er så stor (Sol skal jo kun i 5.). Men altså, kærester!!?? - ;)

  5. You had a very colorful week of celebrations doors closing new ones soon to be opened. Enjoy! xoxo

  6. Ohhh, now I'm in think mode about the girls. I agree it is scary to think about, but fascinating at the same time.

    Lisa :)

  7. I love that last picture -- the mystery of how our children's grow and whom they will become. Thanks!

  8. wow so much to think about.:) great post! p.s. staple foods=typical foods hope this helps:)

  9. Such sweet photos! All of them!

  10. That's pretty amazing that you have a daughter transitioning on one end and a son on the other. My daughter is 12, and it is very scary, but also full of excitement and promise.

    Beautiful pictures....

  11. It's another king of corner view and your pictures are very sweet !

  12. Jeg spår at han ikke begynner å røyke (det er ikke spesielt kult blant ungdomsskoleelever - snus har dog en høyere rang), at han kommer til å ha mange guttevenner og noen jentevenner, at han har sin første kjæreste før åttende er omme og at han kan la seg overtale til å ha flott vitnemålsfest etter tiende enn noen som helst konfirmasjon.

    Jeg har forresten også en førsteklassing i år, den aller siste..

  13. Beautiful! Beautiful pictures and beautiful words!

    Happy Day!

  14. hehehe, lise (og mona!): han prøvde snus for et år siden og spydde. takk og lov. han var sammen med en åttendeklassing et par ganger for en mnd siden og fikk prøve røyk av henne og syntes det var kult. forbigående fase, antageligvis - har ikke hørt mer om hverken henne eller røyking etter det (vi skremte ham litt). han har hatt kjærester siden han var 10 år, 9 jenter og en gutt hittil. en utprøvende type, kan man si. men han forteller oss ALT (enn så lenge)- også info ala 'jeg var hjemme hos xx i går og vi fant kondomer i faren sin skuff og prøvde dem på - øøh, blir du sint nå?' :D

  15. thanks for posting. love your thoughts. hey, have you had the elder/lemonade yet? how is it?

  16. hey jodi, i did, and it was ecsquisite. i will type the recipe tomorrow!
