Wednesday, July 8, 2009

corner view bergen, norway: places of reflection

the weather cooled down, we even had some rain. the earth was screaming for it!

this week's corner view theme is places of reflection, places to just be...
for me, that is the great outdoors, all by myself. and it is a luxury i no longer have.
my husband nicknamed me 'the librarian' very early in our career as a couple, and yes, i am an introvert who needs more quiet and time to think than most people (and now you know how we see the stereotypical librarian!). i need to be left alone, to not be disturbed, to be able to finnish my thoughts and have a sense of being at home in myself.
add to that the hilarious fact that i've been blessed with a very high spirited family - husband, son, daughter, the whole bunch - they're all very talkative and fond of music turned up real high - and the obvious reveals itself: there's no way i can think, contemplate, reflect or 'just be' around these guys. not in the sense that i used too, anyway - i've had to rethink the whole concept. and there's no way around it: in these busy years of my life i don't manage to both spend time outdoors with my family and tend to my own needs for contemplation and communication with nature.
so i have periods of time where i stay up late instead.
i go outside on the verandah and soak up the solitude in that last precious hour when everyone else is asleep an no one can disturb my thoughts, or lack thereof.

and this is why i have pictures of our sunsets and sunrises all in the hours between 00.00 and 04.30 a.m...

p.s. be sure to check out the gift sertificate in my previous post!

other places of reflection around the world:

jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,caitlin, joyce, ani, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t., jeannette, outi, schanett, ritva, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, virgina, april, b, kyndale samantha, karen, kristina, dorit, goldensunfamily, sophie, janet, mcgillicutty, desiree, di, travelingmama, aimee, sunnymama, amanda, ali, jenell, guusje, britta, juanita, pamela, inna, daan, myrtille, cris, ibb, susi, jodi, lily, gillian, jeanette, athena, pienduzz, latisha, clairette, satsuki


  1. Mm, ja, godt tidspunkt at være alene på (når alle andre sover) - vi må bare få gjort noget ved det lille problem med søvnmangel :)

  2. the sunset is so beautiful in those early morning hours !! lucky you ...

  3. ohw! i could have wrote that!
    i NEED space and time ALONE! A LOT OF IT!

    beautiful pictures!

    [i hope we will see 'bergen' next week or so.. ]

  4. Sky... great outdoors, the better places for and intrevert ? Wonderful pictures...

  5. beautiful sun. thanks for sharing

  6. Lovely sunsets. I agree, staying up late, or getting up early to have some of the day to yourself is a blessed thing.

  7. i did it too when my children were small. and i still do.
    i have been thinking if i should try to sleep during daytime and be awake at night for sometime, week or so. how would that make me feel?
    because it´s so light here in the north...
    thanks! great photos too!

  8. The answer is yes.. you do have amazing sunsets in your corner! Great post!

  9. this is my favorite tipe of sky: when the colors are pink and orange!!
    love the photos!!

  10. the sky is so memorizing. xoxo

  11. we had the same idea ... your pictures are great !!

  12. Stunning photos!! The colors are truly from God!

    Happy Day!

  13. What a great place to take everything in. Love the pictures and the colors.

  14. What a gorgeous sky -- are your days long and light right now in Norway?

  15. I stay up like that sometimes, too, just to be alone with my thoughts.

  16. That's the fine art of compromising! I wake up early: at night (now) my head is just full of tiredness!

  17. I love peeking at your sky from down here :-)
    And I too share your sentiments about time out for myself- quiet contemplative time
