ecology of flowers from swallowfield, two of geninne's 20 bird prints, and earth day from the charm school drop out. (please click to view them on etsy, the photos there are so much more representative than mine).
i have more prints that needs a place to live, but my walls - oh, my walls...
we rent our house, and we never planned on staying long, so we didn't want to invest either time or money on painting. in addition, there's a certain system to the way it's painted - sponge painted orange/yellowish on top, yellow down the staircase, changing into yellow/greenish, then green down in the hallway. (yup. the owners are anthroposofists/waldorf teachers. did you guess?)
the colour is actually not as bad as photos show, it's warmer and not at all so pale, but still - at night i dream of cream white walls with no, absolutely no (nada! niente! rien!) texture.
Looks fantastic from here - I love birds, and they look lovely! :D
Lige mine yndlings fra Geninne! - Skønt du har fundet fine rammer og hængt op. Foråret gør noget ved folk;)
Kender godt dét med tapetet, her er der både savsmuld og sådan noget som du har - YRK!! - men jeg er bange for huset falder sammen hvis jeg forsøger at hive det ned. HA!
beautiful prints. they look lovely framed and in your house.
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