i met the multi talented
helene in gudvangen, and she taught me how to make holes for thumbs in my needlebound wristwarmers (make sure to check out helenes
incredibly beautiful
printed sheepskins
here). so now i can finally make those long (and sometimes quite ladylike looking) warmers. these are made with yarn dyed with cochineal, a small louse originally from mexico. that's right; this kind of dried up lice makes red and purple colours!
Your wristwarmers look cozy. We are in summer here, but fall isn't too far away! I'll bet they are quick to make, and wouldn't they be nice gifst for crafters?
Therese, just lovely. I had a friend crochet me wrist warmers this winter and I wore them a lot.
Beautiful label for your syrup! I made today elderberry jam, but to be honest I'm not too sure about the results ... hopefully it'll taste better once it cools down!
Beautiful wrist warmers and that color is perfect. Are they done with that needle knitting technique you showed us before?
needle binding, yes! i just realised i had forgotten to write that, so i edited it.
Sjå der ja, ser riktig så profft ut :) Har ikke tall på hvor mange slike det har blitt opp gjennom årene. Det er slett ikke få!
love the last shot!!!
happy sunday
oh! that colour! superbe!
Flotte pulsvarmere, nålebinding er en teknikk jeg har lyst til å lære også. En gang.
Saftlappene ser helt proffe ut!
Beautiful! I would LOVE a taste of your elderflower syrup! Do you use it as toppings for something? Or a sweetener in drinks?
jbj: the syrup is whet we in norway call 'saft'; consentrated fruit/berry syrup to be diluted with water. i guess it's equivalent to what the americans call lemonade.
helene: takk! produksjonen er høy her og for tiden! det dabber nok av jo lenger vekk (i tid) fra gudvangen jeg kommer, dessverre..
Oh, they are lovely!! Beautiful color! I need to get going on my knitting/crocheting for the winter! Love that last shot!
francesca: ooh, i'd love to try making something with the berries that'll come in a month or so! but now i've used most of the flowers, so there won't be that many berries, i'm afraid.
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